Saturday, December 8, 2012

New Year Msgs

It's time to bid aideu to 2012 and welcome New Year 2013 with great fun and enthusiasm. As the new year dawns, everyone get in the spirit of grand celebrations. We have an amazing collection of New Year messages that convey warm and heartfelt new year to your loved ones. Send a new year message to your loved one and let them know how much you love them.

"May the new year bring tremendous joys and infinite reasons to celebrate in your life. Wishing you a very warm and happy new year 2013." By - Pearl Aman

 "Lets welcome the year which is fresh and new, Lets cherish each moment it beholds, Lets celebrate this blissful New year." By - Kushal verma

 "This New Year may you be the favorite of Lady Luck, Cupid and Guardian Angel. "

 "This New Year may you make room for your friends to fill up your days with merriment. " 

 "This New Year may you spin beautiful livable dreams that will come true in the near future. "

 "May your New Year be as beautiful and bright as the firecrackers that adorn the night sky. "

 "May your New Year turn out to be just the way you are sweet, cozy and loving. "

 "May your New Year unfold slowly like a budding Rose bringing you happiness every day."
 "No matter how cold the midnight hour of the New Years Eve may be, may your heart be full of warmth when the clock strikes twelve. Happy New Year."

 "This New Year let us share our goals and aspirations and dream to achieve at least a few of them. "
 "May this New Year not be a repetition of old habits you?d rather discard. "

 "May you be showered with love and luck as you walk through the New Year to emerge a happier person.

 "May you feel fresh and ready to take up any challenge as you start this New Year. "

 "May you have the courage to do away with your vices and nurture your virtues this New Year. " 

 "May you ring out all that are not-so-good with the old year, and ring in all that are good with the New Year. "